dimanche 18 novembre 2007

NHL/LNH : stronger winds.

According to "Le journal de Montréal", George Gillet attended his team's victory in Toronto against the Maple Leafs and his congratulations to young Carey Price, who had held the fort, were "very enthusiastic": the Habs' woner looked like "a father congratulating his son on graduation day".

The message was clear and well received.

The day after, Mélançon, the goalies' coach spontaneously confessed that Price was "ahead of Roy at his age".

A well behaved journalist from "Le journal de Montréal" was quick to marvel even more than usual : the team mangement "could not have guessed he (Price) would win games, nearly on his own, so early in his career".

Cristobal Huet also got the message and was only too happy to oblige by giving what he himself called a "soft" performance against the Sabres which resulted in a 1-4 Montréal loss.

The day after, George Gillett's favourite adopted son was not exactly stellar and also allowed four goals but his teammates know better than letting him down and scored eight against the Bruins.

Huet's stats remain better than Price's but, in six weeks, the supposed number 1 goalkeeper has gone from playing 3 games out of 4 to sharing his duties 50/50 with his supposed back up.

It does not seem to be in Huet's temper to fight a headwind. He may be right. To which team shall the wind lead him ?

As to the Habs, they may be wrong to do their best to demotivate and alienate their still number 1 goalie.


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