samedi 5 janvier 2008

Baseball : vitamins (in) my ass !

The Hollywood screen writers' strike has unexpected consequences : baseball players quoted in the Mitchell report are left in the cold to come up with their own denials and "explanations".

The result is nothing short of pathetic : Andy Pettitte tried growth hormons, but only twice ; Roger Clemens ? Injections ? Sure, but vitamins, and he loves it so much he keeps receiving some...

One now understands Eric Gagné's decision to just shut up : the famed "appropriate time" to refute accusations will no doubt come, but only after the screen writers' strike ends.

Meanwhile, we would advise players wrongly accused in the Mitchell reports to hire European writers : with Europe being in the lead -or rather the US being solidly behind- in the fight against doping, they have had ample opportunity to build a strong expertise in the area.

As 2008 starts, no European screenwriter would dare suggest one of his athlete clients to resort to a defense strategy as stale as the "vitamins, not steroids" explanation.

Was it Vinokourhov who suspected that his fall in an early stage of Tour de France had somehow impacted his blood balance and was responsible for his failed doping test.

That was creative. Even perhaps a bit too much.


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